Whole World

There is just ONE Problem….resolve this ONE problem, and all our other problems fall like a house of cards!! Each of the myriad resolution proposals put forth these days is arguably fruitless without addressing this single root issue. History bears this out. The problem itself is no revelation, nor an original idea. Yet, the very notion that this problem can be directly addressed, let alone resolved, lies beyond what most of us believe is possible. Herein lies our greatest challenge.

What follows encourages us to expand the scope of our thoughts beyond the recycling of now common rhetoric and hollow platitudes, amidst cliched themes, articulated by the usual suspects, and always constrained by the limits of our ancient (and now rapidly expiring) consensus reality. Discourse on the rescue of humanity has saturated the aware waves for decades to no avail. Honest assessment sees our species circling the drain with no genuine abatement whatsoever. Now, more than ever, humanity must become something it has never been before to actualize our inherent Design – dormant within us for ages, aching to awaken.

“Humanity is moving ever deeper into a crisis which has no precedent – a ‘final exam’ as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in the Universe. It is not an examination of political, economic, or religious systems but of the integrity of each and all individual humans’ responsible thinking and unselfish response to the acceleration in evolution’s evermore unprecedented events.”

Critical Path” – Buckminster Fuller, 1981

The nature and magnitude of the urgency confronting us each day now was already lucid to Buckminster Fuller decades ago. Expressions about integrating our selves with the ‘Whole’ have been articulated for ages in word, song, image, prayer, and plans. But logical plans and methodical execution that have always worked in the past, no longer apply. We are stymied by deeper issues – a nut we have yet to crack. Despite the ever increasing number of us who envision a Whole World, seen with a growing magnitude of resonant, congruent awareness – the big question remains, unmoved:

How will humanity survive?

The greatest threat to humanity is humanity itself. Ever since the mind of mankind mastered the use of fire, technology has inspired humanity to slowly and steadily separate itself from its habitat, Earth – as well as from humankind’s inherently spiritual and organic nature. The Age of Reason accelerated this division by introducing reductionist thought and inserting a partition between spirit & science. We began our self-destruction in earnest as the Industrial Revolution encouraged a diminished regard for Earth, now seen principally as warehouse and lavatory by a self-entitled species determined to dominate rather than integrate. By the close of the 20th c, we are split between living as people and functioning as ‘human resources’.

Today’s Transhumanists expand this cleavage in a rush to establish a race of biodigital Frankensteins. Hypnotized by wet dreams of enhancement, they attach wings to a caterpillar and call it a butterfly, ignore the pulse of their own breathing beings hidden behind a heartless view of the Universe, and charge headlong in passionate pursuit of some contrived delusional notion of ‘progress’.  

By the 2020s we find ourselves commandeered by a technology whose algorithms and oh so virtual artificial intelligence are often regarded as a model to emulate in real life, sacrificing our very own beings in a blind displacement of corporal living. Is it any wonder we find our entire species in the diamond lane on the highway to extinction?

Since the first Earth Day in 1970, rhetoric about the gravity of our situation has been constant, with words that continue to awaken our collective consciousness and inspire legions around the world to act on behalf of our planet and each other. Yet, despite 50yrs of admirable achievements, we must honestly acknowledge that not a single policy, plan, proposal, action, or ‘disruption’ has significantly slowed our overall descent one little bit – not one! Humanity’s toxicity continues to prove overwhelming.

Most solution proposals for government, ecology, economy, equality, energy, infrastructure, society, etc., that may seem conceptually viable, require an inherently impossible consensus. Current world policy appears to be fueled by a wealthy, powerful, and unaccountable Ignorati who exhibit no awareness whatsoever of how life on Earth actually succeeds. ‘What could go wrong?’ Our predicament is unprecedented. Any successful solution that matches our plight in magnitude must surely lie beyond what is currently tangible.

The elephant in the room is ego – each one the center of its own personal Universe. We believe the human condition is fixed – only one possible way to be. This collective egocentric conviction anchors our global consensus reality – an orientation that defines a Bastille holding us captive within our current paradigm. What will it take to initiate a Copernican shift away from our myopic, egocentric orientation – and transform our disparate array of isolated egos into a coherent network of integrally interconnected beings? To wit:

“There is one human story. Dressed in new clothing and using new tools, we endlessly relive it. If we read philosophy, literature, history, poetry, and theology – we see greed, hedonism, and hubris easily defeat empathy and reason.”  – The Last Act of the Human Comedy – Chris Hedges

“It should get our attention that every person or group of people that have discovered what the Native Americans call wetiko disease unanimously consider it to be the most important topic to understand in our world today. Wetiko psychosis—which can be conceived of as being a mind-virus—is at the very root of every crisis we face. Wetiko is the over-arching umbrella that contains, subsumes, informs and underlies every form of self-and-other destruction that our species is acting out in our world on every scale. If we don’t come to terms with what wetiko is revealing to us, however, nothing else will matter, as there will be no more human species.” Totalitarian Psychosis in our World-and Our Minds – Paul Levy

“The most important point to be made here is that as long as we remain egocentric beings, there shall always be sociopaths and psychopaths among us, who inevitably rise to authority driven by selfishness, greed, and apathy – who then capsize their entire sphere of influence despite the best intentions of all the rest of us. This perpetual cycle can only continue its descent until we undergo the spiritual and cultural transformation available by transmuting the egocentricity at its root.”  – The Everyone Project

“The egocentricity experiment with human Design has run its course – its climax is our confluence of crises. It is now imperative that we develop metamorphic catalysts immediately – means and methods to efficiently transmute egocentricity and profoundly evoke our innate senses of interdependence and compassion.” – Care To Evolve?  – Beau

We shall successfully transmute egocentricity with the evocation of Quantum Intelligence. Quantum Intelligence is knowledge/insight that simply “comes to mind” – as opposed to deliberation, deduction, and analysis utilizing our brains. Perceived through our intuitive senses, what “comes to mind” as Quantum Intelligence, transcends egocentric analysis, is neither our own expression nor personal creation. History is replete with accounts of scientists, philosophers, and artists whose ‘I found it’ moments ostensibly emanated from Quantum Intelligence – truth beyond the mind. When we intuitively receive Quantum Intelligence without any filtration whatsoever by our egocentric preconceptions, Quantum Intelligence is arguably 100% accurate or appropriate, and available to guide us to the best possible outcome whenever we allow it to do so.

Intuition is a potent form of inner wisdom, not mediated by the rational mind. It’s the still, small voice inside that’s accessible to us all. We each possess an intuitive healing code within us that contains the blueprints for our health, happiness, and survival of everything that is good here on Earth. This code is written in a language of silence, metaphor, imagery, energy, and knowings that may seem alien until we’re taught to decipher them.

Judith Orloff – Psychiatrist and Intuitive Healer

Quantum Intelligence – the living loving ‘Whole’ – communicates to us: its living fractal elements.
art: J15 – Tomasz Alen Kopera

Intuition is the unique quality of the human that is also the consciousness of the earth and the eventuality of the universe because it can reflect on the reality of the universe, its origin and it’s history.

The historical mission of our times is to re-invent the human at the species level with critical reflection within the community of life.

Thomas Berry

Human evolution, as envisioned here, shall be achieved in part by facilitating a greater integration of Quantum Intelligence into our beings such that a substantial, if not majority, of our activity is directed more by Quantum Intelligence than by egocentric deliberation. Once intuition becomes embodied as a principal source for knowledge and insight, Quantum Intelligence shall habitually “come to mind” both individually and collectively to inform and influence resonant action – paving the way to the new paradigm. The more we allow Quantum Intelligence to override our egocentric deliberation, the more the ‘Whole’ can guide us, and the more quickly we evolve.

Transmuting egocentricity requires its dissolution, much like a caterpillar in a chrysalis – what else can possibly stop us from destroying ourselves? Herein lies our greatest dilemma. How does anyone justify a commitment that requires we relinquish our core belief about our very being, in order to transform into the unknown and barely imaginable? Our self-cherishing egos that insist we are our analytical minds, inhibit acceptance or even awareness of Quantum Intelligence, because Quantum Intelligence presents an existential threat to our ego-centric illusory autonomy and compulsion to control – the ultimate ‘Catch-22’!

By its own fluid, the caterpillar’s body dissolves within the chrysalis to metamorphose into the butterfly. The chaos that has recently emerged on all of Earth, is the ‘fluid’ now dissolving humanity as we know it, within our global ‘chrysalis’. We the ‘Conscious Creatives’, are the imaginal cells building the new evolved Whole World out of the formless solution that chaos continues to make of us, as it expands and envelopes virtually all of humanity. It is time we redirect technology toward the truly organic evolution we so desperately need, arrest our descent to extinction, and manifest a paradigm that transcends our shortcomings.

We haven’t worked on ways to develop a higher social intelligence…ordinary thought in society is incoherent – it is going in all sorts of directions, with thoughts conflicting and canceling each other out. If people were to think together in a coherent way, it would have tremendous power.

David Bohm, Quantum Physicist

Our challenge is to engineer the Moonshot of an evolutionary path wherein we permanently catalyze our inherent human experience into a broader and deeper perceptual dimension – a transition that reifies a heart-centered, personal/collective human experience, as consciously interconnected individuals integrated within a coherent network – simultaneously separate and all together, like 7.x billion fingers on one ‘Whole’ hand. Once done, perhaps the best part will be an undeniable and perpetual sense of belonging – to one another everywhere, as constituent cells of a ‘Whole’ Humanity, integral to our living Earth.

art: B13 – Tomasz Alen Kopera

The Age of Reason famously proclaimed “I think, therefore I am” – an ode to egocentricity.

The Ubuntu principle, “I am because We are” – appropriately expresses our evolved symbiotic orientation in the new paradigm – The Age of Intuition.


Banner art: “Hoping For The Sound Awakening” – Cameron Gray

13 thoughts on “Whole World

  1. An incredibly profound article! This is exactly what humanity needs to be aware of; and incline all it’s actions towards healing the ‘Whole’. Thank You so much!


  2. Hi Beau, all,

    I just wanted to say thanks. No, there is more… There is something else I hope to get, or to express. That is to say, there is something else my ego wants. Yet, it is nebulous and beyond reach.

    First and foremost I would like to say thanks! You write very well, your choice of artwork, and quotes, is most excellent. Your message is utterly profound, utterly fundamental. It resonates with me and my experiences deeply.

    The other thing; “I am because we are.” repeats in my head. My guess is I want to feel that I am part of the ‘we’ (although in how I phrased this I notice a wetiko reboot; I want to be part of the we which understands and forwards these transcendent ideas, not necessarily the We/All). Nonetheless, I want to be more active in my experience and promotion of wetiko-shedding. More social. Do you have any suggestions for blogs, forums, discussions boards or groups that discuss these topics?

    Many thanks,


  3. Thanks for for your thoughts, Rob. WE are all ONE of US is the point to be made and the goal for humanity is to make this discovery – worldwide. In the meantime, find your way to mindfulness on a path that your ‘Intuitive Intelligence’ directs you. There is a sensation about it – gut feeling, “I just know” kind of feeling. Pay attention to it when it shows up. Each path is our own, but the “Whole” is always enthusiastic about setting up guideposts along the way – we just need to train ourselves to perceive them.

    The more we reach for the Divine, the more we discover just how much the Divine is, and has always been, reaching for us.

    peace love



  4. Read through slowly the first time – I’m feeling the flutterings in my peripheral vision – I will need to go back a few more times to get the whole, but it feels ‘right’ Beau, and in keeping with the last 10 months of exploration. I just got in the Ringing Cedar Books and I am reading the first one… A long way to go with all of my explorations, but I am happily open and gathering good information. Thanks!


  5. Hi Beau,
    yep I resonate with ‘I am because WE are’ but how do we make the shift? Can you see practical solutions to get us out of the mire? Fear always sabotages good intentions and limiting thoughts stop us from really living. It takes a lot of courage and trust in oneself and the Divine/Universe to shift from ego-based intentions to Soul based intentions. My guess is we’re in need of transformation one Soul at a time, not more information. Time to start dreaming, creating and innovating together, a collaborative experience as we wait for the top down hierarchy to crumble as it surely will.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Thea – Thanks so much for engaging. From this chair, it is clear that a catalyst is required. One of the original posts on this site (Care To Evolve?) puts it this way:

    “The egocentricity experiment with human Design has run its course – its climax is our confluence of crises. Virtually all system solutions and ascension paths proposed by even the most enlightened among us fail to breach egocentricity’s stronghold. The forecast for our imminent extinction is well founded and arguably certain unless we BECOME something new. Metamorphosis is appropriate terminology here.

    Relieving humanity of egocentricity’s bondage by consensus is impossible. Political proposals are hopelessly impotent. It is now imperative that we develop metamorphic catalysts immediately – means and methods to efficiently transmute egocentricity and profoundly evoke our innate senses of interdependence and compassion.”

    There IS such a plan conceived – groping for support in a world deluded and blinded by AI.

    Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. It is always reassuring to connect with resonant spirits!

    peace love – Beau


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